Discover the Path to Peace
After Loss.
If you are reading this, there is a high probability that your heart is broken.
It may have been caused by a death, either recent or long ago. It may have been caused by a divorce or the breakup of a romantic relationship. It may have been caused by any of more than 40 other losses that a person can encounter during a lifetime. It could be caused by an awareness that your life is not as happy or fulfilling as you want it to be.
Regardless of the cause of your broken heart, you know how you feel, and it probably isn't good.
John W James and Russell Friedman, The Grief Recovery Handbook
Have you ever felt like you are dwelling in shadows? Do you carry a dull unexplainable ache of pain that you cannot seem to get rid of completely? Do memories bring sorrow and bitterness instead of joy?
Grief is the normal and natural reaction to significant emotional loss of any kind. These conflicting feelings come at the end of, or change in a familiar pattern of behaviour, whether through death, separation, displacement or any one of 40 possible losses one can experience in a lifetime. We will experience loss because we are bound to become attached to people, places, and things and everything here on earth is transient.
Most people find it difficult to talk about Grief and avoid the issue of Grief in their own lives and in the lives of others. Although Loss and Grief are universal and natural, this is the way we have been socialised to handle Grief. They say that you have to let go and move on in your life, but they don’t tell you what you need to do to accomplish that. This brings a sense of loneliness and isolation, deepening the pain of loss as if you are not entitled to grieve.
The Grief Recovery Method® not only makes it possible to live your life fully but provides partnerships and guidance to ensure that it happens.
The Grief Recovery Method® is an action-oriented, time limited grief recovery programme that helps people move through the pain of loss.
Shared over 40 years in 22 languages on six of the seven continents, it is the only evidence-based programme in the world that has documented statistically significant improvements in grievers' knowledge, attitudes and behaviours related to grief. In short, it has worked, works and it can work for you. There is hope.
The Grief Recovery Method® is presented by Valley to Light, a division of Strengths For LYF in association with the Grief Recovery Method® Institute.
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What Recovery Means
The word "recover" in the dictionary means "to get back something lost or taken away." We're not saying anything's wrong with you, or you're damaged. We're using the term "recovery" to talk about getting something back that you lost because of grief, and that's your quality of life
Recovery from loss is achieved by a series of small and correct choices made by the Griever.
Recovery means feeling better and finding new meaning for living, without the fear of being hurt again.
Recovery is being able to enjoy fond memories without having them turn painful and acknowledging that it is perfectly all right to feel sad from time to time and to talk about those feelings no matter how those around you react.
Most importantly, recovery means acquiring the skills we should have been taught as a child. These skills allow us to deal with loss directly.
At Valley to Light, we teach The Grief Recovery Method® a step-by-step process to help you move forward to live your life again as fully as possible.
Gain the correct perspective of grief
How Grief is defined and why it is important to have a correct understanding
Review old tools of dealing with grief
Assess the old ‘tools’ which are used to deal with Grief and Losses
Get new tools
Acquire new tools and skill sets that can be used for a wide range of losses from people, pets, jobs, hopes, dreams, and expectations to intangible losses like trust, safety or faith.
Give it a "voice"
At every step, you are respected, listened to, and heard without judgment or analysis so you have the freedom to identify and give voice to the array of emotions that accompany the full extent of loss.
Move forward
Once the GRM process is completed for one loss, it can be used over and over again to deal with past losses and help more quickly address new losses.
Our Programmes
Grief Support 1:1
If you prefer to work with a trained and Certified Grief Recovery Method Specialist 1-on-1, rather than in a group setting, this programme is for you.
Grief Support Groups
Our support groups offer a safe, evidence-based environment for you and other grievers to take effective and lasting action, no matter the type of loss experienced.
Helping Children with Loss
If you are a parent, an educator, counsellor or ministry worker with a desire to help children deal in a healthy manner with any grieving experience that impacts them, this programme can equip you.